Here you can find various types and models of batik clothing that you want and you like.

Usually batik clothes that often we encounter only a basic model of batik clothing only, but now I provide a wide range of batik clothing made ​​from original batik.

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Batik Cloth

     Regarding the batik fabric, so many kinds of fabrics that often arise and famous, or even make us be familiar to select and determine the fabric of what we need or we want to wear now. Among them are batik cloth made ​​of cotton fabric (Prima & Primis), laundryman, Viscos, up to Silk.

Beware you choose the wrong batik cloth. Here I will give the characteristics of batik cloth and different kinds of good and true : 
  • Batik Cloth Cotton
1. Japanese cotton

At first glance like an ordinary cotton, but if the note there are some special characteristics, namely:

- End section side of the material contained the words "japan design" and or color code found on the cloth.
good sweat absorption.
- The price is more expensive than ordinary cotton.
- Smoother fabric surface.
- The color is more durable and long lasting.
- Frequent and suitable for women's blouse.

2. Paris Cotton Motif

Actually Paris is almost the same cotton with cotton Japan in terms of:

- Has a color code on the fabric.
- Good sweat absorption.
- The price is relatively more expensive.
- Same color and fabric surfaces with Japanese cotton.

Perbedaaanya cotton Paris is thinner than the Japanese cotton. Usually used for women's blouse.

3. Paris Cotton Plain.

This type of cotton is actually almost the same as regular cotton, only thinner. The price alone is almost the same as regular cotton, and cotton is no color code in the fabric. Often used for women's blouse and veil material.

4. Cotton Silk / India / Zada

Cotton of this type there are 2 types of thin and thick. The characteristics of cotton fabrics are:

- More shiny fabric surface.
- Slightly more expensive price of cotton above the ordinary, but not as expensive as the Japanese cotton.
- The lowest sweat absorption.
- Color kilapnya durable despite frequent washing.

5. Cotton Oil

Cotton fabric is the same as any other cotton impressed oily surface charge (other kilapnya with silk cotton).

- The price the same as regular cotton.
- Good sweat absorption.
- Gloss will decrease after a few washes.

6. Plain Cotton

- Motive kinds: plain, lines, boxes, flowers or abstract.
- Relatih cheaper price.
- There are no special features such as color codes.
- Sweat absorption are s / d is good, depending on the percentage of cotton material.
- The color is preserved although still under Japanese cotton.
  • Cloth Laundryman
      Dobbies is a blend of cotton and polyester. The main characteristic of mori cotton fiber dobbies is there an interesting motifs (boxes, lines, abstract). Characteristics something like that  
  • Cloth Viscos 
     Type of material is a mixture of 55% and 45% Combed Cotton Viscose. The advantages of this material is its level of shrinkage (shrinkage pattern) is smaller than the material Cotton. These types of materials are also absorbs perspiration.
     Here are tips on choosing fabric batik batik as material:
  1. Notice on the type of fabric. There are several types of fabric that you can make batik-making materials such as the Cotton (Prima & Primis), laundryman, Viscos, up to Silk.Excellent quality of cotton under cotton Primis more subtle. Neither cotton nor Primis has excellent levels of different fabrics, ranging from rugged, slightly rough, up to the most subtle. While dobbies can be regarded as half-silk, there are several levels such as cotton prima & Primis from the rough to smooth, even so dobbies is distinctively rough in texture, so it will still be perceived level of refinement fibers that stand out. To Viscos, the material tends to smooth & fall, looks like a laundryman fiber. Level of refinement & kelicinannya there is any level. As for Silk, of course, including the manufacture of high quality batik shirt with a price on a particular segmentation.
  2.  Note also the motif that you choose in planning the manufacture of batik clothes. Is that a motif of your choice is a classic batik motif, motif of modern / contemporary, or a mix between the two. 
  3. In addition, should you look for a reference model clothes that will be the benchmark of making your batik shirt.
  4.  The important thing is, match your needs & budget starting from the selection of batik fabric as clothing material to tailor how the cost of services that will make your batik clothes, so you can get a batik shirt to your liking.

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